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Found 377 Results
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Heart Stent Procedure: Your Path to a Healthier Heart

Heart Stent Procedure: Your Path to a Healthier Heart By Island Hospital | September 6, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chiew Kean Shyong, Cardiologist Heart stents are inserted during an angioplasty procedure to either address a heart attack as an emergency measure or to...



September 6, 2024

Navigating Nasopharyngeal Cancer: From Early Signs to Advanced Treatment

Navigating Nasopharyngeal Cancer: From Early Signs to Advanced Treatment By Island Hospital | September 4, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng, Clinical Oncologist Cancer—a word that instils fear in hearts worldwide.  Among the myriad forms of this disease, nasopharyngeal cancer stands as...



Sprain Vs Strain: Understand the Difference Between Common Injuries

Sprain Vs Strain: Understand the Difference Between Common Injuries By Island Hospital | August 30, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Gooi Siew Ghim, Orthopaedics & Paediatric Orthopaedics Sprains and strains are some of the most common injuries we encounter on a daily basis. However,...



Account Deletion Procedures

Account Deletion Procedures for the Island Hospital Mobile Application An account holder wishing to delete their account in the Island Hospital Mobile Application may choose from the following options:   Option A: Deletion via Island Hospital Mobile Application   An account holder may delete their...


August 26, 2024

COE Cardiology Services

COE Cardiology Services Island Hospital’s Cardiology Services stand out globally, proudly holding the distinction of achieving Centre of Excellence (COE) recognition for cardiology services awarded by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS). Our Cardiology services encompass a comprehensive range of patient care, delivered by...


August 26, 2024

The Power of Early Treatment: Exploring Interceptive Orthodontics

The Power of Early Treatment: Exploring Interceptive Orthodontics By Island Hospital | August 21, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chang Chiew Sinn, Orthodontist Have you heard of interceptive orthodontics? Unlike traditional orthodontics, which typically begins in the teenage years, interceptive orthodontics focuses on early...



Stress Tests in Malaysia: What to Expect?

Stress Tests in Malaysia: What to Expect? By Island Hospital | August 19, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chiew Kean Shyong, Cardiologist Navigating medical tests can be daunting, especially when it comes to your heart health. Understanding what to expect during a stress test...


Slipped Discs: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments in Malaysia

Slipped Discs: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments in Malaysia By Island Hospital | August 16, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Dato Oh Kim Soon, Orthopaedics & Spine Surgeon Slipped discs have become a prevalent source of back pain among Malaysians, making it crucial to...



World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week World Breastfeeding Week at Island Hospital: A Week of Learning and Support   Island Hospital proudly celebrated World Breastfeeding Week from 1st to 7th August 2024, offering a range of educational activities and support for breastfeeding mothers. The event, held at our...


August 15, 2024

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): A Guide for Understanding Your Heart Health

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): A Guide for Understanding Your Heart Health By Island Hospital | August 14, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Lee Tjen Jhung, Cardiologist Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a silent yet formidable threat to heart health. It can develop insidiously over...



August 14, 2024

Junior Doctor Day

Junior Doctor Day On 10th August 2024, Island Hospital’s Little Explorers’ Kids Club hosted an engaging and educational Junior Doctor Day. This event offered young participants a unique opportunity to experience the medical field firsthand, including an insightful talk by Dr. Ho Sheau Chui, our...


August 13, 2024

How a Kidney Transplant Helps You Regain Kidney Function

How a Kidney Transplant Helps You Regain Kidney Function By Island Hospital | August 12, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Vijaya B Ramasamy, Nephrologist Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent killer that undermines our health. Its prevalence is increasing and is projected to...



August 12, 2024

Conventional Braces: Benefits, Drawbacks, Procedure & Aftercare

Conventional Braces: Benefits, Drawbacks, Procedure & Aftercare By Island Hospital | August 9, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chang Chiew Sinn, Orthodontist Recent studies have revealed a rising need for orthodontic treatment among Malaysian teens. In these cases, conventional braces are often recognised as...



Fruits With Low Calories: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Guilt

Fruits With Low Calories: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Guilt By Island Hospital | August 7, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian Seeking to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing flavour? Fruits with low calories can be your perfect allies! Packed with essential vitamins, fibre,...

A group of fruits on a table


11th International Malaysia Spine Society Scientific Congress Pre-congress Workshop

11th International Malaysia Spine Society Scientific Congress Pre-congress Workshop Island Hospital successfully concluded two days of pre-congress activities in conjunction with the 11th International MSS Scientific Congress.   On the first day, we hosted an exciting live stream from the operating theatre at Macalister Wing,...


August 6, 2024


一篇文章让你搞懂避孕药! By Island Hospital | August 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Sim Seng Keat, Obstetrician & Gynecologist 在众多避孕方式当中,服用避孕药是其中较方便的避孕方式。服用避孕药的过程不仅相对简单,其避孕效果也相当好——只要你按照正确的方式服用避孕药,避孕的成功率可高达99%。 因此,避孕药已成为现代女性常用的避孕方式。 然而,许多人其实仍对避孕药知之甚少。市场上琳琅满目的避孕药更是让人不知所措,不晓得该如何从中找出适合自己的避孕药。 今天,我们将深入探讨避孕药的相关知识。无论你是正在使用避孕药、考虑使用,或者只是对这个话题感兴趣,这篇文章都值得看一看。 什么是避孕药? 顾名思义,避孕药是用于预防怀孕的口服药物。 这类药物由人工合成的雌激素或孕激素配制而成,主要通过调节女性体内的荷尔蒙水平来达到避孕效果。 以下是避孕药的主要作用原理: 1. 抑制排卵 通过抑制荷尔蒙分泌以阻止卵巢排卵,如:促卵泡激素(follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH)和黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone, LH)等荷尔蒙。 2. 改变子宫内膜的环境 使子宫内膜变薄,不利于受精卵着床,从而难以受孕。 3. 改变子宫颈的粘液的性状 增加黏液的粘稠度,防止精子进入子宫与卵子接触,避免受孕。 4. 影响输卵管的功能 受精卵主要依靠输卵管的蠕动将它运入宫腔。 输卵管的蠕动功能受干扰后,受精卵将提前或延迟抵达宫腔,导致它无法顺利着床,进而达到避孕效果。 避孕药有哪些种类?...



August 5, 2024

Breathe Deep, Live Long: Your Guide on How To Prevent Lung Cancer

Breathe Deep, Live Long: Your Guide on How To Prevent Lung Cancer By Island Hospital | August 2, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng, Clinical Oncologist Lung cancer remains a significant public health concern worldwide, accounting for roughly 12.4% of all cancer...

how to prevent lung cancer



正常心跳大揭秘:心率异常的原因、症状与治疗建议 By Island Hospital | July 31, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Ma Soot Keng, Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist 正常的心跳,犹如一首和谐的交响曲,有着稳定的节奏和适当的力度。然而,正如交响曲在演奏途中偶发的失误,我们的心跳偶尔也有节奏错乱的时候。 那么,怎样才能让我们的心跳始终保持着健康且稳定的节奏呢? 今天,本文将带你深入了解心跳的正常范围,向你揭示心率异常的种类、成因、症状、后果和治疗方法,同时教你如何测量心跳,以及维持正常心跳的秘诀。 心脏与心跳:生命律动的奥秘 心脏是我们身体的发动机,它通过有节奏的收缩和舒张,将富含养分和氧气的血液输送到我们的全身各处,维持我们的生命。 我们的心脏主要由四个部分组成:左心房、右心房、左心室和右心室。心房负责接收流回心脏的血液,心室则负责接收即将泵出心脏输送到全身的血液。这四个部分各司其职、分工合作,让心脏的泵血工作得以顺利完成。 那么,心跳是如何产生的呢? 前面提到,我们的心脏被分为四个部分。 若把这四个部分比喻为房子,这四个房子的出口处分别都会有一个“门”,即瓣膜。这些瓣膜的任务就是腰保证血液能够顺着同一个方向在心脏里流通。 待血液所处的 “房子”的瓣膜打开后,血液才可流向下一个“房子”。血液离开之前的 “房子”后,该“房子”的瓣膜就会关闭,以确保血液不会流回之前的“房子”,而我们所听到的心跳声正是瓣膜关闭的声音。 你的心跳正常吗? 一般上,心跳的速度是计算每分钟的跳动次数(beats per minute, bpm),也被称为心率(heart rate)。 处于休息状态时,正常成年人的心率通常介于60至100次/分钟;专业运动员的心率则可能少于60次/分钟。这是因为长时间高强度的锻炼能增强心脏的收缩力,让心脏可以泵出更多血液。 若你的心率低于60次/分钟,那么你可能有心跳过慢的问题,而高于100次/分钟的心率则是心跳过快了。 不同年龄的正常心率 值得注意的是,随着年龄的不同,人们的正常心率范围也会有所不同。 一般而言,年龄越小的人,心率就会越快。这是因为年龄小的人,他们的心脏相对较小,新陈代谢水平也相对较高,细胞需要更多的氧气和营养,因此须要较快的心率。 随着年龄的增长,人们的新陈代谢水平逐渐降低,心率也就相对缓慢。 以下是不同年龄层的正常心率范围: 婴儿(0-1岁):约100-120次/分钟...



Love Your Heart: Simple Tips for a Heart-Healthy Diet

Love Your Heart: Simple Tips for a Heart-Healthy Diet By Island Hospital | July 29, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian The human cardiovascular system is a marvel of biological engineering, tirelessly pumping blood throughout our bodies. However, like any high-performance engine, it requires optimal...




尿酸高不能吃什么?一次搞懂高尿酸饮食原则! By Island Hospital | July 28, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian 尿酸是人体代谢嘌呤时产生的最终产物,而嘌呤是存在于许多食物和饮料中的有机化合物。由此可见,尿酸水平与饮食密切相关。 因此,当人们发现自己的尿酸水平偏高时,首先想到的往往是调整饮食习惯。"尿酸高不能吃什么?"、"尿酸高能吃什么?"之类与饮食相关的问题便成了高尿酸者最关心的问题。 今天,本文将为你详细解析高尿酸者的饮食原则,让你了解如何通过饮食来控制尿酸水平。 高尿酸有哪些危害? 开始讲解高尿酸者的饮食原则之前,我们先来了解高尿酸的危害。 一提起尿酸,大家通常都会想到痛风。的确,痛风是高尿酸最常见的并发症,是因尿酸堆积在关节中而引起的急性关节炎,多见于足部(特别是大脚趾)。痛风发作时,你的一个或多个关节将出现剧烈疼痛与肿胀。 如今,人们把高尿酸称作继 “三高”(高血压、高血糖、高血脂)之后的"第四高",以体现其危险性。 高尿酸者的饮食准则 现在,我们将详细探讨高尿酸者的饮食准则。这些资讯将让你更好地管理自己的饮食,帮助你维持健康的尿酸水平。 尿酸高不能吃什么? 对于尿酸高的人来说,首要原则就是避免食用高嘌呤含量的食物,因为嘌呤是引起尿酸升高的主要原因。 高嘌呤食物主要包括以下几类: 食物种类例子 1. 动物内脏各种动物的肝、肾、肚、脑、肠、舌、胰、脾、心等。 2. 海鲜特定鱼类,如:凤尾鱼、鲭鱼、鲶鱼、三文鱼等。 贝类:生蚝、牡蛎、扇贝等。 虾类:皮皮虾、江虾、小虾米、青虾、龙虾等。 蟹类:河蟹、大闸蟹等。 其他海洋动物:海兔(海蛞蝓)、鱿鱼、八爪鱼等。 海洋动物的卵类:鱼卵、虾卵、蟹卵等。 3. 肉汤或肉火锅汤(尤其是海鲜或肉汤底)、老火汤等。 需要注意的是,食物中的嘌呤含量与其细胞核的数量相关。这是因为嘌呤是制造脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的重要原料,而DNA主要存在于细胞核, 因此, 细胞核越多,嘌呤含量就越高。 这就是为什么动物内脏的嘌呤含量通常高于普通肉类。这些内脏功能复杂,细胞核密集,经过烹煮后便释放出大量嘌呤。 那么,为什么某些海鲜的嘌呤含量也会那么高呢? 这是因为我们吃海鲜时,有时会连同其内脏一起食用。比如,虾头里有很多内脏,其中包括心、肝、胃等。因此,如果只吃海鲜肉的部分(如:虾肉等),嘌呤含量则相对较低。 至于肉汤或肉汁,它们通常由是由骨头或动物内脏长时间熬制而成。在烹煮过程中,食材中的嘌呤往往会溶解在汤中,导致汤汁中的嘌呤含量变高。...



Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI): Symptoms and Treatments

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI): Symptoms and Treatments By Island Hospital | July 24, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Lem Li Khen, Respiratory Medicine Specialist On average, children develop 6-8 Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs) a year, while adults usually have 2-4. Given how...

upper respiratory tract infection


Broken Heart Syndrome: How Emotional Stress Impacts Your Heart

Broken Heart Syndrome: How Emotional Stress Impacts Your Heart By Island Hospital | July 22, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chong Chu Ling, Cardiologist Broken Heart Syndrome is more than just a poetic expression. This unique cardiac condition, triggered by intense stress or emotional...

broken heart syndrome


July 22, 2024

Dental Implants: A Long-Term Solution for Missing Teeth and A Confident Smile

Dental Implants: A Long-Term Solution for Missing Teeth and A Confident Smile By Island Hospital | July 19, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr Yew Ching Ching, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Missing teeth are a common issue affecting millions of people. While some may view...

dental implant


How to Prevent Liver Cancer: Simple Steps for a Healthy Liver

How to Prevent Liver Cancer: Simple Steps for a Healthy Liver By Island Hospital | July 17, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng , Clinical Oncologist The liver is a vital organ responsible for filtering toxins from your blood, producing proteins, and...

How to Prevent Liver Cancer


Cancer Care

Our Oncology Centre of Excellence Island Hospital’s Cancer Care is internationally accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) as a Centre of Excellence, Asia’s first hospital to hold dual hospital-wide and COE recognition. The Cancer Care services offers a spectrum of patient care...


Gout Treatment Diet: The Best and Worst Foods to Eat

Gout Treatment Diet: The Best and Worst Foods to Eat By Island Hospital | July 10, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis characterised by the accumulation of uric acid crystals within the joints. This accumulation results from elevated...

Gout Treatment Diet


Self-Ligating Braces vs. Traditional Braces: Understanding Your Orthodontic Options

Self-Ligating Braces vs. Traditional Braces: Understanding Your Orthodontic Options By Island Hospital | July 8, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr Chang Chiew Sinn, Orthodontist When it comes to straightening teeth and correcting bite issues, braces are a common and effective orthodontic treatment. Whilst traditional...

Self ligating braces vs traditional braces


Gardasil 9 Vaccination in Malaysia: Protecting Yourself from HPV

Gardasil 9 Vaccination in Malaysia: Protecting Yourself from HPV By Island Hospital | July 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr Thamarai A/P Velayutham, Medical Officer HPV - a term that strikes fear and anxiety in many, and for good reason. This elusive virus often...

HPV vaccination in Malaysia


How to Prevent Heart Disease: Embracing a Heart-Conscious Lifestyle

How to Prevent Heart Disease: Embracing a Heart-Conscious Lifestyle By Island Hospital | July 3, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr Lee Tjen Jhung, Cardiologist Heart disease remains one of the prominent causes of death worldwide, and it is a major health concern that affects...

how to prevent heart disease


Diet and Colon Cancer Prevention: How to Reduce Your Risk

Diet and Colon Cancer Prevention: How to Reduce Your Risk By Island Hospital | July 1, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian Did you know that diet plays a vital role in preventing colon cancer? Studies have found that eating or avoiding certain foods significantly...

diet prevent colon cancer



深入解析怀孕症状:准妈妈们须知的一切 By Island Hospital | June 28, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer:Dr. Sim Seng Keat, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist “怎么知道自己是否怀孕了?” “怀孕的初期症状会有哪些?” “怀孕期间应该注意什么事情?” 以上这些应该都是所有准妈妈们相当关心的问题。 因此,为了让各位准妈妈得以安心度过这段美好而独特的时光,本文将深入解答这些问题。若想了解更多相关资讯,那就继续看下去吧! 怀孕会有哪些症状? 怀孕是女性孕育新生命的过程。 随着子宫里的胎儿逐渐发育,女性的身体也随之产生一系列生理和情绪上的变化,各种各样的症状也接踵而来。 那么,处于不同怀孕阶段的女性又分别会有哪些常见的症状呢?一起来看看吧! 孕早期(受孕后1-3个月) 1. 月经推迟 这通常是最早的怀孕迹象。如果月经延期超过一周,你可能已经怀孕了。 2. 乳房变化 由于孕激素的变化,你的乳房会变得更加饱满、敏感以及感到莫名地酸痛。你也可能会发现你的乳头颜色开始变深了。 3. 疲劳和困倦 孕期的荷尔蒙和代谢变化会导致你的身体消耗更多能量,因此你常常感到非常疲倦。这时,你也可能变得嗜睡。 4. 孕吐 孕吐是指怀孕期间想呕吐的感觉和频繁的呕吐。孕吐可以在任何时候发作,在孕早期的阶段最为严重。 过了孕早期,多数人的孕吐症状都会有所缓解,但孕吐也有时也会贯穿部分女性的整个孕期。 5. 频尿 随着胎儿不断发育,你的子宫将逐渐被胎儿撑大。这将对膀胱施加更多压力,使得你的排尿次数变多。 6....



Unlocking a Flawless Smile: How to Know if Composite Veneers Are Right for You

Unlocking a Flawless Smile: How to Know if Composite Veneers Are Right for You By Island Hospital | June 26, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Khaw Ying Ying, Dentist Braces and aligners work wonders for straightening crooked teeth and fixing misaligned bites, but they...

composite veneers


Urology Updates, Tech & Robotic Advancements

Urology Updates, Tech & Robotic Advancements Island Hospital Shines a Light on Urology Advancements!   Island Hospital recently hosted a fascinating event on last Saturday 22 June 2024, exploring the exciting world of Urology Updates, Tech & Robotic Advancements.   The event, led by the...


June 24, 2024

How to Treat Leukaemia: A Roadmap to Regaining Health

How to Treat Leukaemia: A Roadmap to Regaining Health By Island Hospital | June 17, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Saw Min Hong , Haemato-Oncologist Leukaemia is a complex blood cancer that poses significant challenges in its treatment. So, how to treat leukaemia effectively?...

how to treat leukaemia


June 17, 2024

Invisible Braces: A Comprehensive Guide

Invisible Braces: A Comprehensive Guide By Island Hospital | June 7, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chang Chiew Sinn, Orthodontics Invisible braces offer a seamless and virtually invisible solution for straightening teeth, unlocking a world of possibilities for individuals seeking to enhance their smiles...

invisible braces


Rezum Vapour Therapy: A Complete Guide

Rezum Vapour Therapy: A Complete Guide By Island Hospital | June 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. S. Sritharan , Urologist For men grappling with the frustrating and often debilitating symptoms of an enlarged prostate, there are several ways to curb it. When traditional...

rezum vapour therapy


Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms, Types, Prevention & Treatment

Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms, Types, Prevention & Treatment By Island Hospital | June 3, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Mahalakshmi Ratnavale, Obstetrics and Gynaecologist Ovarian cysts are typically normal and nothing to worry about. Nonetheless, potential complications such as ruptured ovarian cysts may require immediate...

ovarian cysts


Kidney Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment & Prevention

Kidney Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment & Prevention By Island Hospital | May 31, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng, Oncologist Kidney cancer has been on the rise globally, with approximately 400,000 new cases reported annually. This statistic, projected to increase over...

kidney cancer


Penang Paediatrics Network Meeting

Penang Paediatrics Network Meeting We are delighted to announce the resounding success of the recent Penang Paediatrics Network Meeting held on May 21st, 2024! The event served as a remarkable platform for passionate paediatricians dedicated to advancing paediatric care in Penang.   Dr. Chang Chiew...


May 29, 2024

Island Hospital Safety Week

Island Hospital Safety Week Island Hospital's Safety Week, held from May 20th to 24th, 2024, was dedicated to heightening safety awareness, advocating preventive measures, and cultivating a culture of safety within our workplace. Safety Week stands as a strategic initiative deeply rooted in our organization's...



马来西亚健康饮食餐盘,让你轻松吃出健康! By Island Hospital | May 29, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Clinical Dietitian, Island Hospital 谈及营养均衡的饮食,多数人可能会想:“只要遵循食物金字塔的原则进食就可以了!” 然而,食物金字塔仅告诉我们均衡饮食的基本准则,它并没有阐明各种食物类别在每一餐中的比例。 这时,名为 “马来西亚健康饮食餐盘” 的饮食指南便派上用场啦! 在世界营养日来临之际,让我们一起深入了解这个饮食指南,看看如何将其融入我们的日常饮食当中吧! 什么是马来西亚健康饮食餐盘? 来源: 马来西亚卫生部 马来西亚健康饮食餐盘是马来西亚卫生部发布的饮食指南。它以食物金字塔的饮食准则为基础,展示了一餐内应食用的各种食物类别的比例。 有了这个饮食指南,你可以轻松养成健康的饮食习惯,从而满足你日常的营养需求,助你保持最佳的健康状态。 如何按照马来西亚健康饮食餐盘规划你的饮食 想按照马来西亚健康饮食餐盘规划你的饮食吗?很简单,你只需遵循“四分之一、四分之一、一半"(Suku, Suku, Separuh)的原则。 首先,想象你有一个盘子。然后,把盘子分为三个部分:盘子的一半装上蔬菜和水果,盘子的四分之一装上碳水化合物,剩下的四分之一则装上蛋白质。 蔬果 蔬菜和水果占据了马来西亚健康饮食餐的一半空间。 这是因为蔬果拥有丰富的营养价值。它们富含维生素、抗氧化剂、矿物质和纤维,对维持人体健康起到关键作用。 例如,摄取足够的蔬果有利于提高免疫力、促进消化、降低肥胖风险,以及减少罹患慢性病的风险,其中包括糖尿病、心脏病和癌症 [1]。 如果想获取多样化的营养,那就在饮食中包含不同颜色的蔬果吧! 蔬果基本上可被归纳为五种主要颜色:红色、橙色或黄色、绿色、蓝色或紫色、白色或棕色。不同的颜色分别代表不同的营养成分。 红辣椒和西瓜等红色蔬果是鞣花酸和茄红素的优质来源,有助于降低患癌风险。胡萝卜和芒果等橙色或黄色蔬果则含有丰富的类胡萝卜素,对眼部健康至关重要 [2]。 另外,芥菜和菠菜等绿叶蔬菜富含维生素K,对骨骼健康大有裨益。蓝莓和茄子等蓝色或紫色蔬果则拥有丰富的花青素,有益于大脑健康和心血管健康 [2]。最后,荔枝和蘑菇等白色或棕色蔬果富含植物营养素,这些营养素具有抗肿瘤和抗炎特性。 可是,你该如何在每一餐摄取足够的蔬果呢? 首先,你可以饮用由你最爱的蔬果制成的果昔...



May 29, 2024

Oesophageal Cancer: What You Need to Know

Oesophageal Cancer: What You Need to Know By Island Hospital | May 27, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng, Oncologist Oesophageal cancer is the 8th most common cancer worldwide. This disease impacts the oesophagus organ, a vital part of the digestive system,...

oesophageal cancer


Gas Pain in the Chest: A Comprehensive Overview

Gas Pain in the Chest: A Comprehensive Overview By Island Hospital | May 24, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Lee Tjen Jhung, Cardiologist , Dr. Damian Wong, Gastrologist That burning, gnawing sensation in your chest - is it indigestion or something more serious, like...

gas pain in chest


Allergy Test in Malaysia: Benefits and How to Prepare

Allergy Test in Malaysia: Benefits and How to Prepare By Island Hospital | May 22, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Khor Yek Huan, Dermatologist Allergic reactions, encompassing a spectrum of symptoms from mild discomfort to potentially life-threatening responses, can significantly disrupt an individual's well-being and...

Allergy Test Malaysia


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May 20, 2024

Dental Retainer Price Guide: Maintaining Your Orthodontic Treatment

Dental Retainer Price Guide: Maintaining Your Orthodontic Treatment By Island Hospital | May 20, 2024 12:00:00 PM Orthodontic treatment successfully delivers a straighter, healthier smile, boosting your confidence. However, achieving optimal results requires a commitment beyond removing your braces. Teeth naturally have a tendency to...

dental retainer price


May 20, 2024

Malaysian Healthy Plate: A Comprehensive Guide

Malaysian Healthy Plate: A Comprehensive Guide By Island Hospital | May 17, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian When it comes to achieving the perfect balanced diet, most people probably think, "Just follow the food pyramid!" However, while the food pyramid provides general guidelines for...

Malaysian Healthy Plate


Why is My Period Late? 10 Reasons & When to Worry

Why is My Period Late? 10 Reasons & When to Worry By Island Hospital | May 15, 2024 12:00:00 PM We may experience late periods every once-in-awhile, spanning from a few weeks to months. During these delays, questions such as “Why is this happening?” and...

Why is my period late?


2-Day Antenatal Workshop

Island Hospital 2-Day Antenatal Workshop Island Hospital Hosts Successful 2-Day Antenatal Workshop Island Hospital is committed to empowering expecting parents throughout their pregnancy journey. On 4 & 11 May 2024, we proudly hosted a comprehensive 2-Day Antenatal Workshop, welcoming couples eager to gain essential knowledge...


May 13, 2024


想了解「阴道炎」?病因及治疗方案一次看! By Island Hospital | May 13, 2024 12:00:00 PM 阴道炎是很多女性难以启齿的妇科疾病之一。 研究表明,不少患有阴道炎的女性为此而感到焦虑和羞耻。其中,这种心理状态在阴道炎反复发作的女性群体中尤为严重。 然而,患上阴道炎并不可耻。今天,让我们通过这篇文章,一起来全面了解阴道炎这个常见的妇科疾病吧! 简单了解阴道分泌物 深入了解阴道炎之前,我们得先了解阴道分泌物,因为这是诊断阴道炎的重要依据。 阴道分泌物也被称为“白带”,主要由阴道皮肤细胞、寄生在阴道内的各种细菌以及子宫等分泌的液体组成。这些分泌物不仅有抗菌的功效,同时也起着润滑阴道的作用。 正常的阴道分泌物一般呈白色或透明,不会有强烈或难闻的气味。根据月经周期和荷尔蒙变化等因素,阴道分泌物的粘稠度和分泌量也有所不同。怀孕期间、进行性活动时或服用口服避孕药后,阴道可能会产生较多的分泌物。 什么是阴道炎? 顾名思义,阴道炎是发生在阴道的炎症。 患上阴道炎的原因一般包括: 不当的个人卫生习惯:不常或过度清洁阴道、排尿或排便后习惯由后往前擦拭 阴道长期处于潮湿的环境中 阴道受到刺激或产生过敏反应 阴道或盆腔组织损伤 阴道菌群失调 阴道感染了细菌、真菌等致病微生物 雌激素水平下降 阴道炎的种类 阴道炎可分为非感染性和感染性两大类。 非感染性阴道炎多由阴道受到刺激、损伤或产生过敏反应所致;感染性阴道炎则由细菌、原虫、病毒、真菌等致病微生物引起。 感染性阴道炎的类型繁多。其中,细菌性阴道炎、念珠菌性阴道炎及滴虫性阴道炎属于常见的感染性阴道炎。 阴道炎的症状 普遍上,阴道炎的症状包括: 阴道分泌物的气味、颜色或分泌量出现变化 阴道红肿、疼痛或瘙痒 性交和排尿时感到疼痛 阴道轻微出血 值得注意的是,不同类型的感染性阴道炎会出现不同的症状,详见下表: 阴道炎种类症状 细菌性阴道炎 阴道不会感到瘙痒。 阴道分泌物呈泡沫状;灰白色。 阴道分泌物带有腥味。 念珠菌性阴道炎 阴道瘙痒。...



May 13, 2024

General Practitioners’ Symposium 2024

General Practitioners’ Symposium 2024 Island Hospital consistently engages with medical professionals. This past Saturday afternoon was particularly significant, as General Practitioners joined us for our GP Symposium 2024 led by various specialists from Island Hospital. Topics covered included Robotic Surgery, Heart Failure, Cancer Treatments, and...


May 12, 2024

Brain Tumours: Everything You Need to Know

Brain Tumours: Everything You Need to Know By Island Hospital | Apr 30, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dr. Tang Weng Heng, Oncologist Brain tumour - a term that can elicit fear and hopelessness. When faced with this diagnosis, many immediately assume the worst - that it...

Brain Tumuor


April 30, 2024

Are Ketogenic Diets Good For You? (Benefits, Potential Risks)

Are Ketogenic Diets Good For You? (Benefits, Potential Risks) By Island Hospital | Apr 29, 2024 12:00:00 PM Medical Reviewer: Dietitian In order to lose a substantial amount of body weight for health, fitness or beauty reasons, forgoing the conventional healthy balanced lower calorie diet,...

ketogenic diets


Pap Smear Procedures: What to Expect and Why They Matter

Pap Smear Procedures: What to Expect and Why They Matter By Island Hospital | Apr 26, 2024 11:00:00 AM Let's talk about the Pap smear. These check-ups can be one of the most important you'll ever do. It may not be the most comfortable procedure,...

pap smear procedure


Sinus Care: How to Treat and Prevent Sinusitis

Sinus Care: How to Treat and Prevent Sinusitis By Island Hospital | Apr 24, 2024 11:00:00 AM While sinusitis is a common condition that usually goes away on its own, the symptoms may persist or worsen - affecting our day-to-day routine. Therefore, tips to relieve...

sinus care


10 Women’s Health Issues to Know For Better Well-Being

10 Women's Health Issues to Know For Better Well-Being By Island Hospital | Apr 22, 2024 12:00:00 PM Did you know gender affects health issues? Researchers say this could be due to biological, social, and behavioral factors. At every phase of life, it’s crucial for...




手足口症来袭,你准备好了吗? By Island Hospital | Apr 19, 2024 12:00:00 PM 手足口症是全球常见的传染病之一。可是,你了解这个疾病吗? 只有小孩才会感染手足口症吗?这个疾病的症状只会出现在手、脚和口腔吗?曾经感染手足口症的人是否就终生免疫了呢?… 若你对上述问题仍有些许疑惑,这篇文章将让你更了解手足口症。一起来看看吧! 什么是手足口症? 手足口症 (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, HFMD) 又名发疹性水疱性口腔炎。由于这个疾病主要导致手、脚、口腔等部位出现疱疹,故俗称为“手足口症”或“手足口病”。 这个疾病是由多种肠道病毒引起的传染病。其中,肠道病毒71型 (Enterovirus 71, EV71) 和柯萨奇病毒A16型 (Coxsackievirus A16, Cox A16) 是最常见的病原体。 值得注意的是,手足口症虽多发生于5岁以下的儿童,但各年龄层都有感染此疾病的风险。不过,成人的症状一般比儿童来得轻,故容易被忽视。 手足口症的症状 手足口症的潜伏期通常是3 至 6 天。过了潜伏期,手足口症患者将出现以下症状: 轻度症状中度症状重度症状 发烧 (37.2°C以上) 咽喉疼痛 全身不适 舌头、牙龈、脸颊内侧、手掌、脚掌、臀部或生殖器出现小水疱或皮疹,伴有疼痛感 食欲不振...



9 Ways to Cut Sugar Intake While Keeping Meals Exciting

9 Ways to Cut Sugar Intake While Keeping Meals Exciting By Island Hospital | Apr 17, 2024 12:00:00 PM Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to many health issues, marking the reduction of sugar intake as a critical step towards improving overall health. The adverse...

How to cut sugar intake


A Guide to Dental Crown: Cap Your Tooth, Uncap Your Smile

A Guide to Dental Crown: Cap Your Tooth, Uncap Your Smile By Island Hospital | Apr 15, 2024 12:00:00 PM "Dental crowns look fake and never feel like real teeth.” “Those who need dental crowns don’t take care of their teeth.” “Dental crowns take weeks...

dental crown


Braces Cost in Malaysia: All You Need to Know

Braces Cost in Malaysia: All You Need to Know By Island Hospital | Apr 12, 2024 11:00:00 AM Braces are an essential treatment to correct misaligned teeth and other dental issues, successfully improving oral health and the appearance of your smile. However, braces are expensive,...

Braces Cost in Malaysia: All You Need to Know


A Complete Guide to Blood Tests & When You Need Them

A Complete Guide to Blood Tests & When You Need Them By Island Hospital | Apr 9, 2024 3:00:00 PM Most people understand the importance of blood tests when sick with a mysterious illness, as the tests provide important clues into what ails you. However,...

Blood Test



腰痛怎么办?深入解析腰痛原因与解决方法! By Island Hospital | Apr 8, 2024 3:00:00 PM 腰痛是常见的健康问题,任何人都可能受其影响。 2018年的数据显示,70%至85%的人在一生中至少会经历一次腰痛。 然而,持续的腰痛不仅影响生活质量,严重时甚至会导致行动不便,危害身心健康。 现在,让我们深入了解腰痛这一现象,看看腰痛时该怎么办吧! 什么是腰痛? 腰痛是指肋骨下方和臀部上方的身体部位疼痛,常发生于30岁至50岁的人群。 腰痛可分为: 特异性腰痛 (specific lower back pain):因脊柱相关疾病或结构性问题而造成的腰部疼痛,或是从身体其他部位通过腰部传送来的疼痛。 非特异性腰痛 (non-specific lower back pain):无法确定疼痛的具体病因或结构性原因的腰部疼痛,约90%的病例属于此例,如:腰部扭伤(俗称 “闪到腰”)等。 腰痛的痛感共有3种: 急性(痛感持续4周或更少) 亚急性(痛感持续4至12周) 慢性(痛感持续超过12周) 腰痛的原因 想知道腰痛时该怎么办,就得先知道造成腰痛的原因,才能对症下药。 以下是一些导致腰痛的常见原因: 退行性疾病:椎间盘相关疾病、骨关节炎、骨质疏松症等。 创伤性原因:韧带破裂或扭伤、肌肉痉挛或拉伤、背部创伤等。 结构性异常:椎间盘凸出或椎间盘脱出、脊椎滑脱、坐骨神经痛等。 炎症性疾病:脊柱关节炎等。 其他原因:腰部肌肉劳损、举重物的姿势不当、长期久坐、姿势不良等。 其中,退行性疾病是指随着人体老化、身体机能逐渐衰退而引起的疾病。 腰痛的诊断方式 造成腰痛的原因相当多样。 因此,医生一般会让你进行X 光检查、计算机断层扫描(CT...


Malaysian Sleep Study: What You Need to Know

Malaysian Sleep Study: What You Need to Know By Island Hospital | Apr 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM Are you struggling with sleepless nights and poor sleep quality? A sleep study could be the solution to your problems. Sleep studies are used to diagnose sleep disorders...

sleep study Malaysia


Bone Cancer Treatment: Everything You Need To Know

Bone Cancer Treatment: Everything You Need To Know By Island Hospital | Apr 3, 2024 12:00:00 PM Bone cancer is a severe condition characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells within the bones. Bone cancer can be classified into primary and secondary (metastatic) types. Primary...

Bone Cancer


Bladder Cancer: What You Need to Know

Bladder Cancer: What You Need to Know By Island Hospital | Apr 1, 2024 3:00:00 PM Do you know that bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer worldwide? In 2022 alone, more than 600,000 people globally received this diagnosis, and tragically, over 220,000 lives...

Bladder Cancer


How to Prevent Heat Stroke & Heat Exhaustion (Tips, Symptoms)

How to Prevent Heat Stroke & Heat Exhaustion (Tips, Symptoms) By Island Hospital | Mar 29, 2024 3:00:00 PM With the frequent hot and dry seasons in Malaysia, it is crucial to recognise the signs of and prevent heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and heat...

how to prevent heat stroke


Why Body Composition Analysis Matters More Than You Think

Why Body Composition Analysis Matters More Than You Think By Island Hospital | Mar 27, 2024 12:00:00 PM Many people strive to be healthier or get in better shape, but they often find themselves stuck or do not see the results they expected. This can...



想降低胆固醇?那就远离这些食物吧! By Island Hospital | Mar 25, 2024 11:00:00 AM 胆固醇是血液中的一种脂质 (lipid),在人体的各种功能中扮演重要的角色。然而,当血液中含有过量的胆固醇时,这将妨碍血液的流通,从而引发一系列的健康问题。 每年,全球至少有440万人因高胆固醇相关疾病而丧生。 如果你的胆固醇水平过高,别担心!健康的饮食习惯是有助于降低胆固醇的。 在这个世界卫生日,让我们一起来关注心血管健康,看看胆固醇高的人究竟不能吃什么吧! 什么是胆固醇? 进入正题之前,我们先来简单了解胆固醇。 胆固醇是形成人体细胞膜的必要成分之一,同时也是合成胆汁酸、维生素D以及甾体激素的原料。 胆固醇共有两种——低密度脂蛋白(LDL,全称 low-density lipoprotein,俗称“坏胆固醇”)和高密度脂蛋白(HDL,全称 high-density lipoprotein,俗称 “好胆固醇”)。 其中,LDL是导致各种健康问题的元凶。 若血管内有过多的LDL,它们将在血管中形成脂肪沉积。长久以往,这些沉积物可能会破裂并形成凝块。这将阻断血流,进而引发心脏病、中风等其他疾病。 因此, 我们常说的 “胆固醇高” 通常是指LDL水平过高;“降低胆固醇” 一般上是指要降低LDL水平。 另一方面,HDL则负责将各种形式的胆固醇和脂肪沉积带给肝脏处理,再排出体外。这样,我们的血液就得以在血管中畅通无阻,从而有效降低罹患心血管疾病的风险。 胆固醇高不能吃什么? 提高LDL(坏胆固醇)水平、降低HDL(好胆固醇)水平的食品是胆固醇水平过高的人应该少吃,甚至是不能吃的,具体详情如下: 高反式脂肪的食物 反式脂肪 (trans fat) 是人造的食用脂肪,主要存在于: 1. 精炼植物油玉米油 (0.25 g trans fat/100...




骨痛热症:完整指南 By Island Hospital | Mar 22, 2024 2:00:00 PM 骨痛热症,也称为登革热 (dengue fever) 和断骨热 (break-bone fever),主要通过蚊子传播,是全球最普遍的蚊媒疾病之一。 20多年以来,世界各地的骨痛热症病例逐年增加。 根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的报告,骨痛热症的全球发病率由2000年的约50万例增至约420万例(2022年),每年更是平均夺走2万条人命! 可见,骨痛热症的危害不容忽视。一起来深入了解这个疾病吧! 什么是骨痛热症? 骨痛热症是由骨痛热症病毒 (dengue virus) 引起的病毒性热病 (viral fever)。该病毒共有四个变种——DENV-1、DENV-2、DENV-3 和 DENV-4。 染上某个病毒变种后,人们将对该变种终身免疫。然而,若不幸接触到其他病毒变种,人们有机会再次感染骨痛热症,症状也将比之前更严重。 骨痛热症常见于热带与亚热带气候的地区,因为这些地区的气候炎热潮湿,为蚊子提供了生存、繁殖和传播病毒所需的理想条件。 骨痛热症的传播途径 骨痛热症主要通过带有骨痛热症病毒的雌性黑斑蚊(或称伊蚊,Aedes mosquito)传染给人类。与一般蚊子不同,黑斑蚊的身上及脚上拥有白色环纹,相当有辨识度。 当受病毒感染的蚊子叮咬人类后,该病毒将进入人体。接着,人们将在未来的3至14天(平均4至7天)内出现骨痛热症的症状。 骨痛热症的症状 一般上,大部分感染骨痛热症的人仅出现轻微症状,有时甚至没有任何症状。 轻微症状: 突发的持续性高烧 (39℃ 或以上) 皮疹(皮肤出现红色斑点) 骨骼、肌肉、关节、眼球后方以及头部剧痛 腺体肿大...



Can a Stroke Lead to Dementia? What You Need to Know

Can a Stroke Lead to Dementia? What You Need to Know By Island Hospital | Mar 20, 2024 3:30:00 PM Many people worry about the link between stroke and dementia, a concern that's not unfounded. Vascular dementia ranks as the second most prevalent form of...

can stroke cause dementia


Teeth Scaling: Procedure, Benefits, And Costs (Complete Guide)

Teeth Scaling: Procedure, Benefits, And Costs (Complete Guide) By Island Hospital | Mar 18, 2024 3:30:00 PM Many Malaysians are concerned about the health of their teeth and gums and seek effective ways to maintain a bright and healthy smile. Dental scaling, a crucial procedure...

Teeth Scaling


How to Stop Heart Palpitations: 7 Tips and Remedies

How to Stop Heart Palpitations: 7 Tips and Remedies By Island Hospital | Mar 15, 2024 3:30:00 PM In our increasingly fast-paced lives, we may find ourselves experiencing heart palpitations. This condition is characterised by fast, slow, or irregular heartbeats. Heart palpitations are frequently linked...

How to stop heart palpitations


Teeth Whitening: All You Need to Know

Teeth Whitening: All You Need to Know (Procedures, Side Effects, Aftercare) By Island Hospital | Mar 12, 2024 2:21:10 PM Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular over the years. These dental aesthetic procedures aim to remove stains from and lighten the shade of your teeth....

teeth whitening


Little Dentist Programme in conjunction with World Oral Health Day

Little Dentist Programme in conjunction with World Oral Health Day In celebration of World Oral Health Day, our Little Dentist had a fun and educational experience at Island Hospital 🌟 Dr. Chang Chiew Sinn conducted an informative Oral Care Education session, during which children listened...



Our Specialties Cardiology SPECIALTY Cardiology For comprehensive cardiac care in Malaysia, including heart disease prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and rehabilitation, book an appointment with our expert cardiologist in Penang. Trust our team of heart specialists for personalized care tailored to your needs. Premier Cardiology Services in...



March 3, 2024

Privacy & Personal Data Protection

Privacy & Personal Data Protection ENBM Island Hospital Sdn Bhd (‘Island Hospital’) is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Data entrusted to us. This Personal Data Protection Notice (‘Notice’) outlines how Island Hospital collects, uses, discloses and manages Personal Data in compliance...


March 1, 2024

8 Essential Health Screening Tests for Women

8 Essential Health Screening Tests for Women By Island Hospital | Feb 29, 2024 2:22:51 PM Celebrating the remarkable achievements of women transcends beyond International Women’s Day, as we recognize their contributions every day. Today, let’s shine a light on the distinctive health needs of...

health screening for women


February 29, 2024

Not Quite My Tempo: A Guide to Arrhythmia

Not Quite My Tempo: A Guide to Arrhythmia By Island Hospital | Feb 26, 2024 4:22:51 PM Have you ever experienced continuous heart palpitations? This could be caused by arrhythmia, a problem with the rhythm of your heart. Think of your heart as a drummer....



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February 20, 2024

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February 15, 2024

Golden Pearl Club – Thank you for registering Golden Pearl Club

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Kid Club – Thank you for registering Kid Club

Thank you for registering for the Little Explorers’ Kids Club!


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February 8, 2024

Spine Centre

Our Specialties Spine Centre SPECIALTY Spine Centre The Spine Centre prioritises your safety while handling all aspects of spine and spine-related conditions. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout The Spine Centre continues to build on its legacy since its inception in 2006. As a regional centre of referral...


January 17, 2024

Movement Disorder Clinic

Our Specialties Movement Disorder Clinic SPECIALTY Movement Disorder Clinic At Island Hospital, our neurologist and neurosurgeon collaborate across specialties to diagnose and treat common to complex neurological disorders. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout Movement Disorders involve problems with too much or too little movement because of neurological...


Heart Centre

Our Specialties Heart Centre SPECIALTY Heart Centre The Island Hospital Heart Centre provides comprehensive cardiovascular care under a single roof, ranging from heart disease prevention, diagnosis, intervention and rehabilitation. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout The Island Hospital Heart Centre is different in our region. It encompasses the...


Health Screening Centre

Our Specialties Health Screening Centre SPECIALTY Health Screening Centre Our Health Screening Centre is equipped with modern equipment and technology that allows for effective, accurate and fast health screening services. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout A one-stop centre for all health screening needs. Our Health Screening Centre...


Fertility Centre

Our Specialties Fertility Centre SPECIALTY Fertility Centre Infertility doesn’t mean an end to your dream of becoming a parent; the Island Fertility Centre provides the best fertility care to help you embark on your journey to parenthood. AboutTreatment DetailsFAQAbout Building a family or bringing children...


Diabetes Centre

Our Specialties Diabetes Centre SPECIALTY Diabetes Centre Our Diabetes Centre provides patient-centric comprehensive care for Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes and its related disorders, including weight-loss therapy and surgery. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout Island Hospital’s Diabetes Centre provides patient-centred comprehensive care for people with Type...


Digestive Centre

Our Specialties Digestive Centre SPECIALTY Digestive Centre A specialist practice that combines first-class medical care with a dedicated team of support staff to treat the various forms of digestive and liver diseases. AboutWhat to ExpectAdvantagesAbout Maintaining your digestive health is one of the most common...


January 16, 2024

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