2-Day Antenatal Workshop

Island Hospital Hosts Successful 2-Day Antenatal Workshop

Island Hospital is committed to empowering expecting parents throughout their pregnancy journey. On 4 & 11 May 2024, we proudly hosted a comprehensive 2-Day Antenatal Workshop, welcoming couples eager to gain essential knowledge and practical skills.


Day 1: Building a Strong Foundation


The first day provided a solid foundation for understanding pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. Our esteemed healthcare professionals addressed crucial topics like:


  • Nutrition for Two by Dietitian by Ms. Angela Teh, Dietitian, explored the importance of optimal nutrition for both mother and baby during pregnancy.
  • Labor and Delivery by Dr. Eric Soh, Gynaecologist, demystified the stages of labor and delivery, offering clarity and reducing anxieties.
  • Labour & Pain Control by Dr. Lee Hock Keat, Anaesthetist, presented various pain management techniques available during childbirth, allowing couples to make informed decisions.
  • Baby Care & Baby Bath by O&G Team, provided practical guidance on newborn care routines, including bathing techniques, ensuring a smooth transition for new parents.
  • Baby Care, Immunisation & Growth by Dr. Tan Pek Yong, Paediatrician, equipping participants with the knowledge and confidence needed for a smooth breastfeeding journey and a positive postpartum experience.

Day 2: Equipping Parents for a Smooth Transition


Day 2 focused on empowering expecting parents with practical strategies for a smoother childbirth and confident parenthood. Participants engaged in insightful sessions with experts, including:


  • Antenatal Exercise & Breathing Techniques for Labor & Post Labor by Physiotherapist: This session emphasized the importance of exercise and mindful breathing for a more comfortable pregnancy, a productive labor, and a faster postpartum recovery.
  • Perinatal & Infant Oral Health Care by Dr. Nicholas Ong Jia Weh, Dentist: Dr. Ong shared valuable insights on establishing good oral hygiene practices for both mother and baby, ensuring long-term oral health for the entire family.
  • Antenatal Check-up by Dr. Sim Seng Keat, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist: Dr. Sim provided a comprehensive overview of antenatal check-ups, addressing all questions and concerns about maternal well-being during pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding by Dr. Hwang Yee Chern, Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist: Dr. Hwang equipped participants with the knowledge and confidence needed for successful breastfeeding, ensuring a healthy start for their little ones.


A Welcoming and Informative Atmosphere

The workshop fostered a warm and supportive environment where expecting parents could ask questions, address anxieties, and connect with other couples embarking on the same journey. It was an enriching experience for all participants, leaving them feeling empowered and prepared for the exciting adventure ahead.


Thank You and Stay Connected!

Island Hospital Penang extends a heartfelt thank you to all the expectant parents who joined us for this impactful workshop. We believe the knowledge and practical skills gained will be invaluable as you navigate pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood.

Stay tuned for future workshops and informative content on our website and social media channels. We are committed to supporting you every step of the way!