Invisible Braces: A Comprehensive Guide

invisible braces

Invisible Braces: A Comprehensive Guide

Invisible Braces: A Comprehensive Guide

By Island Hospital | June 7, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Medical Reviewer: Dr. Chang Chiew Sinn, Orthodontics

Invisible braces offer a seamless and virtually invisible solution for straightening teeth, unlocking a world of possibilities for individuals seeking to enhance their smiles without the look and hassle of traditional metal braces.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide an in-depth overview of the benefits and potential downsides of invisible braces, the procedures involved in getting them, their pricing and ways to care for them.

Continue reading to discover if invisible braces are the ideal path to your dream smile.

What Are Invisible Braces?

Invisible braces, or clear aligners, are an innovative orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without using traditional braces. They consist of removable, clear plastic trays customised to fit snugly over your teeth.

Invisible braces are typically made from flexible materials such as ethylene vinyl acetate or polyurethane. This ensures a comfortable and inconspicuous experience throughout the treatment process.

For those seeking a discreet way to achieve a beautifully straight smile, invisible braces are an outstanding alternative to conventional braces.

How Do Invisible Braces Work?

Unlike traditional braces with archwires and brackets, invisible braces straighten your teeth through a series of removable aligners. Each aligner tray is precisely adjusted to apply gentle yet precise force, gradually repositioning your teeth into proper alignment.

Throughout the treatment period, you will progress through a sequence of aligners, typically switching to a new set every 1-2 weeks on average.

What’s So Great About Invisible Braces?

There are several key advantages that make invisible braces an appealing alternative to traditional braces.

Firstly, invisible braces have nearly invisible appearances.

Unlike traditional metal braces, invisible braces are virtually unnoticeable, making them an excellent choice for people who want to straighten their teeth without compromising their confidence or smile in professional or social settings.

Another remarkable benefit of invisible braces is their removability. You can take them out for eating and brushing, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without restrictions and maintain excellent oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

This feature also eliminates the potential problems associated with traditional braces, such as broken wires or brackets, which can lead to emergency visits to the orthodontist.

On the other hand, invisible braces can effectively treat various dental issues, including crossbite, underbite, teeth gap, open bite, overbite, crowded or widely spaced teeth, and crooked teeth.

Invisible braces also provide a more comfortable treatment experience. Made from smooth plastic material, they eliminate the risk of mouth irritation or scratches that can occur with the metal components of traditional braces.

Who is Not a Good Candidate for Invisible Braces?

Well, perfection simply doesn’t exist. Here are the reasons why invisible braces may not be suitable for you.

Generally, invisible braces are effective for mild to moderate dental cases. However, they don’t work well for complex dental issues, such as complex bite problems or severe crowding issues that require tooth extractions or extensive movements in multiple directions.

Moreover, invisible braces may have limitations when it comes to severely rotated, tipped, or angled teeth or teeth with unique shapes like short, pegged, or round teeth. This is because invisible braces should fit tightly to the teeth’ shape to exert enough force to shift them.

Another key challenge with invisible braces is the discipline required to wear them for 20 – 22 hours daily. If you are tempted to remove them more frequently than recommended, it could compromise the effectiveness of the treatment.

Lastly, while the removability of invisible braces offers convenience during mealtimes, this also carries the risk of misplacing or losing them. Failing to keep track of your braces could adversely affect the progress and overall success of your orthodontic treatment.

Since invisible braces have pros and cons, it is essential to carefully consider whether they are your right option. If you have any concerns or are unsure about the suitability of invisible braces, it’s best to consult a qualified orthodontist.

At Island Hospital‘s Dental Department, our team of experienced dental professionals is dedicated to providing personalised guidance and tailored dental treatment plans.

We understand that every patient’s situation is unique, and we take the time to evaluate your case thoroughly before recommending the most appropriate course of action.

Visit us for a comprehensive dental consultation, and let us help you make an informed decision about achieving your dream smile in the most comfortable and effective way possible.

What’s the Process of Getting Invisible Braces?

The process of getting your invisible braces on typically begins with a comprehensive smile assessment. This evaluation helps determine whether you are a suitable candidate for invisible braces.

If you are deemed eligible, the next step is to undergo a 3D intraoral scan. This advanced imaging technology captures precise digital impressions of your teeth, which are then used to create a customised treatment plan.

Within approximately 2 to 4 weeks, you will receive a detailed treatment outline of your teeth, including the estimated treatment duration and any required procedures.

Once your treatment plan is approved, your orthodontist will create invisible braces that align with it using 3D scans and computer modelling to fit your teeth snugly.

When your first set of invisible braces is ready, you will return to the dental clinic for a fitting appointment. Here, your orthodontist will provide you with the braces and guidance on how to use them effectively.

Throughout your treatment journey, you will switch to a new set of invisible braces every 1 to 2 weeks to keep up with the gradual tooth movements.

To keep your treatment on track, your orthodontist will typically monitor your progress through a mobile app or regular check-ups. This allows them to make any necessary adjustments and provide personalised support throughout the process.

What Will Invisible Braces Cost You?

While invisible braces offer a more aesthetic and discreet alternative to traditional braces, they are often more expensive.

In Malaysia, the cost of invisible braces typically ranges from RM 12,000 to RM 22,000, depending on factors such as the complexity of your case and the duration of your treatment.

It is important to note that this cost primarily covers the invisible braces only and does not include additional expenses such as X-rays, scaling, tooth extractions, or treatment for existing gum diseases.

Want to explore more affordable braces options? Check out this article that discusses the prices of different types of braces!

How to Care for Your Invisible Braces

Proper care and maintenance are vital to ensure your invisible braces remain effective, hygienic, and virtually invisible throughout your treatment.

Neglecting to clean and care for your aligners can lead to issues like discolouration, unpleasant odours, bacteria buildup, and even potential harm to your dental health.

By following a few simple steps and developing good care habits for your invisible braces, you can maximise the benefits of your braces and achieve a beautiful, confident smile.

1. Clean Your Invisible Braces Regularly

Get into the habit of cleaning your braces every time you brush your teeth, both morning and night.

For invisible braces, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a clear, mild soap or cleaning solution. Gently brush the entire surface of the braces in a small circular motion, both inside and out. Then, rinse your braces thoroughly with lukewarm water.

This prevents food particles and plaque from getting trapped between your teeth and the braces, which can lead to cavities, bad breath, and discolouration.

2. Soak Your Invisible Braces Daily

For a deeper clean, soak your invisible braces daily in a denture or aligner cleaning solution, following the product instructions. Special cleaning tablets formulated for invisible braces can help remove plaque and bacteria buildup more effectively.

3. Refrain From Eating or Drinking with Your Braces In

Always remove your invisible braces before eating or drinking anything other than plain water. This prevents you from damaging or staining your braces.

4. Avoid Abrasive Cleaners

When cleaning your invisible braces, steer clear of toothpaste, mouthwash, baking soda, or vinegar. These products can be too abrasive and may scratch, discolour or tint the clear plastic.

5. Store Invisible Braces Properly

When not wearing your invisible braces, store them in a vented case to allow them to dry and prevent bacteria growth. Avoid wrapping them in napkins or leaving them exposed, as this can lead to damage or loss.

6. Avoid Heat Exposure

Keep your aligners away from hot temperatures. They can warp and become misshapen, affecting the fit and efficacy of your treatment.

By following these simple care tips, you can keep your invisible braces fresh, clear, and effective throughout your orthodontic journey.

Book an Appointment with Island Hospital

Embarking on your journey towards a stunning, straight smile with invisible braces is a transformative experience, and Island Hospital is here to support you every step of the way.

Our state-of-the-art dental facilities and our team of experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing personalised care and guidance throughout your treatment. But our commitment to your oral health continues beyond there.

We understand the importance of preventive care and early detection, which is why we offer comprehensive dental screening packages tailored to different age groups.

The Golden Smile for Seniors package ensures our elderly patients receive the specialised attention they deserve, while the Children’s Dental Screening program helps instil good oral hygiene habits from an early age.

With Island Hospital as your trusted partner, you can confidently pursue a beautiful smile with invisible braces while prioritising your overall dental well-being through our comprehensive screening services.

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19:45 09 Mar 24
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Wulan's LifeWulan's Life
21:24 08 Mar 24
Private hospital in Penang
Man MannMan Mann
05:16 07 Mar 24
Cindy PriscillaCindy Priscilla
02:26 23 Feb 24
Had issues with the queue before, actually I don't mind but I'm so sorry once again to Island Hospital! Actually they really good doing their things! The information that they gave are really good. Got this compliments from them
Adhil ArshathAdhil Arshath
04:01 18 Jan 24
One of the most important and highly reputed hospital 🏥 in Penang Island and GEORGETOWN area which is situated on the city center connected with so many residential areas and commerical aspects nearby. Coming to the point and highlights of the hospital is 1.Service is Good enough but the waiting time of doctors appointment is to be taken longer and half of the day will be gone each time to Visit this place2. Such a spacious area of each floor to be separated with clear board signs to be reached easily to the place we have to go3. The most important and good thing is For the child care they allotted one full floor and set up with the children's playing area on the third floor to avoid the disappointment of waiting a long time to meet the doctor. Mrs. Jayanthi Carens looking for my wife which gives good 😊👍 kind of service on medication with each time clearly explanation of baby growth.4. Good Lab set-up with little fast service for blood test on time .5. Cafeterias are available at the ground floor with spacious seatings at the end of the hospital.6. Car Parkings are available separately for the Out patients on the separate parking 🅿️ building for four floors each time we can get easily to the car park but it's little congested during many cars inside. TNG wallet entry at the entrance and exit ,so better we carry the TNG Card each time whenever you visit the hospital.7. The biggest let down of this hospital is frustrated waiting time it kills the total day by waiting itself . So better you can go early to avoid long waiting times especially for the kid's doctor.8. Finally I wished to mention about the location situated of this hospital was fabulous 😍 and beautiful greenish natural surroundings of tree's atmosphere of hilly view.9.Over-all Good experiences with quite unhappy long waiting time .
Carolyn OngCarolyn Ong
02:21 01 Nov 23
Very attentive staffs/ nurses in the I-Health clinic. The spacious and comfortable waiting area makes the waiting time very well pampered with attentive staffs handling the procedure step by step and keep our waiting time very minimal for the entire full package medical check up… they also try their best to assist the report to be ready within short period of time. last but not least is the attending staff - Ms Tan xxx Chan ( sorry can’t remember her full name) who attended my consultation for the check up package, additional service for helping me to do registrations for my other doctor follow up.. overall experience with Island Hospital health screening team is superb 👏👏👏


Are invisible braces less painful?

Invisible braces are generally considered less painful than traditional metal braces. They apply gentle, consistent pressure to move your teeth into the desired position gradually.

While some discomfort or pressure is expected, especially when switching to new invisible braces, it is usually milder and more manageable than the aches and irritation often experienced with traditional braces.

Are invisible braces effective?

Yes, invisible braces can be highly effective for treating various orthodontic issues, including crossbite, underbite, teeth gap, open bite, overbite, crowded or widely spaced teeth, and crooked teeth.

However, they don’t work well for complex bite problems or severe crowding issues that require tooth extractions or extensive movements in multiple directions.

Their effectiveness also relies on the patient’s compliance in wearing them for the recommended 20 – 22 hours per day.

How much do invisible braces cost?

In Malaysia, the cost of invisible braces typically ranges from RM 12,000 to RM 22,000, depending on factors such as the complexity of your case and the duration of your treatment.

Hence, discussing the costs and payment options with your orthodontist during the initial consultation is essential to understand the total investment required for your specific treatment plan.

What are the benefits of invisible braces?

  1. Nearly invisible appearance: This makes them discreet and ideal for people who want to straighten their teeth without compromising their confidence or smile in professional or social settings.
  2. Removable: This allows better oral hygiene and fewer dietary restrictions.
  3. Can treat various dental issues: Invisible braces can treat crooked teeth, crossbite, underbite, teeth gap, open bite, overbite, and crowded or widely spaced teeth.
  4. A more comfortable treatment experience: The smooth plastic material of invisible braces reduces the risk of discomfort or irritation compared to metal braces.

What are the disadvantages of invisible braces?

While invisible braces offer many advantages, there are some potential disadvantages to consider:

  1. Limitations in treating severe or complex orthodontic cases.
  2. Require discipline to wear the aligners for 20 – 22 hours per day for optimal results.
  3. Possibility of losing or misplacing the aligners, which can disrupt the treatment plan.
  4. Increased cost compared to traditional metal braces.
